Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Our banking team consists of 30 dedicated staff members who provide a combined total of over 525 years of banking experience at POINTWEST Bank. We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service and knowing each and every customer when he comes in the door.

Our History

Since 1893

Our banking team consists of dedicated staff members who are committed to provide exceptional customer service and to know our customers when they come in the door.

Our Vision: We value our customers; We want them to feel comfortable, welcomed and respected. We know Our customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider of our business. He is our business. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.


George B. Graves, Jr. Director
G. Berry Graves, III Director
James E. Lankford, II Director
Laura L. Lankford Director
Charles J. Nemec Director


G. Berry Graves, III Chariman of the Board West
Laura L. Lankford, CPA Vice-Chairman of the Board / President / CEO West
Bryan W. Sulak Senior Vice President / Information Technology West
Terri S. Lankford Senior Vice President - Hewitt & China Spring Branch Manager Hewitt/China Spring
Grant L. Lankford Senior Vice President - West Branch Manager West
John Tipton Senior Vice President Hewitt
Jessica A. Davis Assistant Vice President / Auditor West
Trey A. Kolar Vice President / BSA Officer West
Jonathan Borger Assistant Vice President West
Talon M. Clift Assistant Vice President China Spring
Tammy Richard Assistant Vice President China Spring
Sherry Pavlas Cashier West
Elizabeth Gutierrez Banking Officer West
Shana Hight Banking Officer West
Preston Leuschner Banking Officer West
Chelse Wigley Banking Officer Hewitt


During Office Hours:
(254) 826-5333 – West
(254) 666-7333 – Hewitt
(254) 836-8233 – China Spring


After Office Hours:
1 (800) 264-4274

24-Hour Bank-By-Phone
1 (855) 482-6900

Contact POINTWEST Bank
Branch Locations